Summertime 2009
It's been awhile since the last update. Primarily for two reasons.
One, Daddy has been lazy and two, on a recent trip to Los Angeles
Daddy left his camera in a cab. The same camera with thousands of
pictures of the girls on it and all recent pictures from the holidays 2008 to
now. I know. I felt sick. I offered a reward and told them they could
keep the camera, I just wanted to card but, no camera.
So, this update is filled with pictures from various sources. It includes some
pictures of the girls 3rd birthday trip to Seattle, some from Father's Day and
a trip to the 4th of July parade here in Lakeway, Texas. Scattered with some
random shots over the last six months. I'm sorry there are not more
pictures but, some cabbie in Los Angeles has them.
On July 4th 2009, we went to the local parade where they
threw candy and beads. There were lots of cars that daddy wanted to keep.
Father's Day 2009
3rd Birthday in Washington.
At the Woodland Park Zoo with cousin Lilly.
At Granny Marilyn and Grandpa Charlies.
Great Grandpa with the girls.
Children's Museum, Seattle Wa.
Catherine and Uncle Nick
Catherine at Gramma's hauling Patches around.
Here are just some random pictures.
Weekend breakfast with Daddy (while Mommy sleeps.)
Hello Pizza Hut?
Guilty or not Guilty?
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