We'll try and keep this in chronological order so you can feel our pain..er
sense of joy and happiness throughout the holiday starting with Christmas Eve.
Catherine in full Christmas camo going in.
Charlotte planning her attack.
Waiting for the lights to go out so she can go commando.
A team effort pays off but thwarted by Super Mommy.
And captured during their exit.
The target of their operation.
The prisoners getting their morning meal.
Not so pleased with the menu it seems.
Christmas Eve Afternoon
Catherine in her dress uniform.
Double Trouble back at the scene.
I'll distract Mommy and you grab the big shiny thing.
When do we eat?
Catherine pulling out all the stops with her reindeer disguise.
We ate Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve as we knew that
Christmas day was going to be a bit hectic. In hind site,
this was a great idea however, we waited a little too late
and things got a little..well a picture says a thousand words.
Food. Where is food?
I don't care if this is the best ham on the planet.
After we got the girls down, we decided to open our gifts since
we wanted to concentrate Christmas day on the girls.
Erin got this swell pair of onion peeling goggles
setting fashion trends a blaze all across Texas.
Christmas Morning
Catherine in her morning attire.
What would a couple of Texas girls be without their trusty steeds?
Charlotte directing the action.
Where to start.
Hey! Look at this. More stuff to make noise with. Hurray!
I hope this goes to 11!
Ooooo! Another noise maker thingy!
Giddy up!
Daddy's favorite picture.
(Notice she's still trying to eat her cookie through the hat.)
Ok, after nap time and a change of attire, the girls are back at it.
Even Sadie gets in on the action.
Below are a few videos of the holiday season and
a few that were just left over from the last update.
Be forewarned that a couple of these are large files
and will take some time to download.
Caught in the act! (5mb)
Christmas Dinner (12Mb)
This was a nice, calm, quiet
and relaxing Christmas dinner
as you're about to see.
Pay close attention to Catherine's
response to "What does Daddy say?"
and "What does Mommy say?"
Ride 'em Horsey! (4Mb)
This was the morning after Christmas
These aren't Christmas videos but, I wanted to show
you what we wake up to every morning.
Waking Up (3Mb)
Waking Up 2 (7Mb)
Squeakers Part II (3mb)
Here are some random pictures from throughout the day.
The Official www.thekelbaughs.com Website Approval Committee
Charlotte fixing Daddy's spelling errorz.
Someone likes shoes.
Someone else does too!
A new jacket from Grampa Mike and Grandma Tamara.
Charlotte explaining to Daddy the way things are.
Reading a new book.
Static head.
Charlotte and Grandma Pat sharing some Texas BBQ.
Catherine checking the daily financials.
Then tidying up a bit.
Charlotte fixing the family vehicles.
Lastly, when I say the girls got enough toys to last them awhile, I mean it.
Have a wonderful New Year from The Texas Kelbaugh Contingency!
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